Do you make movies, short films, TV series or soap operas?
Register at Safe Creative
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Online registration of audiovisual works

Types of works you can register
You have produced a creation that generates copyright such as a movie, documentary, TV series, etc. The first thing you should do is registering immediately and automatically in Safe Creative Copyright Registry to generate a digital evidence objectified through an online environment.
Feature Film
Medium-length Film
Short Film
Soap Opera
TV Film
AV Recording
TV Formats and similar
Proofs with international and permanent validity
Registering a work is very easy: Prepare the information you must include for audiovisual works or the file for AV recordings. It is an easy and intuitive process where a solid technology is applied to generate the most secure and trustworthy proof in the market: redundant digital timestamps approved by eIDAS, and also an audit system on blockchain, ensuring that both the proofs and the certificates, once downloaded, can be used permanently in the future.

How to register an audiovisual work ONLINE?

/ Upload file
Select the type of work to register and upload the file that contains or identifies it.
/ Registration details
Indicates title, author and rights of the work.
/ Time stamping and fingerprinting
Safe Creative certifies the exact moment of registration of the file and its content.
/ Certification and information
You now have your evidence to protect and inform about your rights.

and start registering

All tests generated in SafeCreative are permanently valid


Register without limits the rights of your company or manage on behalf of your clients.

USD 39.50/month

taxes not included


Register your own creations without limit, promote and sell your works safely.

USD 10.50/month

taxes not included


Register your works without subscribing

Do you want to verify a certificate from our registry?

Check the public data of any of our records to verify its validity and veracity

Do you have questions about how it works?
/ 01
Can I register a format for a TV program or similar?
/ 02
What elements should I have ready for registering a TV format?
/ 03
How do I register an audiovisual work?
/ 04
Is it necessary to upload a file with the work?
View more

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